Learning The In's And Out's Of Home Security

Strategically Placing Security Cameras: Four Tips to Protect Your Home

When it comes to home security, having cameras installed can be a great way to keep your family and your valuables safe. Choosing the right placement for the cameras goes a long way toward deterring crime and recording any potential crimes as they happen. Here are a few tips you can use when deciding where to place your security cameras.

Out-of-Reach Placement

When positioning your cameras, it's important to make sure they aren't within the reach of a potential burglar. If someone can easily reach the cameras, he or she may be able to disable them before gaining entry to your home. Consider placement at the second story level for a two-story house or near the roofline for a single-story home. Ensure your cameras are securely installed so they can't be easily ripped off the side of your home.

Door Coverage

A potential burglar may try the doors of the home first in case they are left unlocked. For this reason, it's a good idea to position cameras above each door to your home. This ensures anyone trying to break in can see the cameras in place. If possible, consider placing two cameras over each door to capture multiple angles. This makes it easier to see the face of someone trying to enter the home no matter which direction the person is standing.

Window Cameras

Of course, the windows aren't the only point of entry for potential burglars. First-floor windows can often be targets for break-ins. Consider putting cameras over each window to provide better coverage for the exterior of your home. Choose wide-angle cameras for window placement, as this helps to expand the viewing area to include the area around the windows.

Garage Cameras

Your vehicle and tools are also important to protect, so you'll want to consider adding cameras to the garage as well. A camera over the main door and a separate one over the pedestrian door provides an ample amount of coverage. Consider pairing the cameras with motion-detecting lights to provide an additional theft deterrent. If the light comes on while someone is attempting to gain entry, the potential thief may be scared away. Your camera will capture the person leaving your property, and that film can be sent to the local authorities for review.

Contact a home security company like HSI Security to find out which camera options are available and to set up professional installation. With the right cameras in the right positions, you can better protect your personal property and your family.